La santé / Wealth
Aucun vaccin n'est obligatoire pour entrer au Turkménistan mais il est recommandé de se faire vacciner contre l'hépatite A et B, la typhoïde, la méningite, la diphtérie et la tuberculose. Des cas de paludisme et de rage ont été décelés, voyez pour un traitement auprès de votre médecin. Le principal risque vient des maladies apportées par les moustiques : prévoyez donc des répulsifs et des vêtements longs.
No vaccine is obligatory to enter Turkmenistan but it is recommended to be made vaccinate against hepatitis A and B, the typhoid one, meningitis, the diphteria and tuberculosis. Cases of paludism and rage were detected, see for a treatment near your doctor. The principal risk comes from the diseases brought by the mosquitos: thus envisage the repulsive ones and long clothing.
No vaccine is obligatory to enter Turkmenistan but it is recommended to be made vaccinate against hepatitis A and B, the typhoid one, meningitis, the diphteria and tuberculosis. Cases of paludism and rage were detected, see for a treatment near your doctor. The principal risk comes from the diseases brought by the mosquitos: thus envisage the repulsive ones and long clothing.